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Who we are


Our Vision

Alliance of Eagles Fellowship is comprised of senior leaders, independent churches, ministries and kingdom businesses united to win the world for Christ and to prepare the way for His return. The highlights of the Alliance of Eagles Fellowship are the Annual Gathering of Eagles Conference and the Annual Alliance of Eagles Fellowship Holy Convocation. Featuring both internationally acclaimed speakers along with our very own in-house workshop sessions, planning and organizational meetings, and worship services purposed to prepare us for kingdom business and provide continuity amongst the fellowship. During the Holy Convocation we will commemorate with the elevation of men and women within the Body of Christ with a formal ceremony.



                                             R - Refreshing Leaders

                                             E- Empowering God's People

                                             A - Advancing the Kingdom

                                             L - Laying Foundation and Leaving a Legacy




Core Vision

To lay solid foundations in ministry

To provide Mentorship

To provide resources for Optimal Kingdom Living

Our Assignment


“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17


We believe the vision the Lord has given is one of order, excellence, unity and strength. Our goal is to strengthen the body of Christ by providing training in all areas of ministry. As Leaders we are individually gifted, but working together as iron sharpens iron.


We interpret our mission as one of divine purpose in the kingdom of God. We are committed to excellence and want to produce the best for the kingdom of God. We desire to reflect pride in all the endeavors we pursue.


We define mega ministry not by how many members we have, but by the quality of ministry we provide for those members regardless of the number. We remain committed to sponsoring resources for growth and development for the body of Christ. Our endeavor is to support those who are challenged financially in obtaining the necessary resources to help perfect their ministries.


Alliance of Eagles Fellowship is a fellowship comprised of independent churches, ministries and kingdom businesses united to win the world for Christ and to prepare the way for His return. The highlights of the Alliance of Eagles Fellowship and the Annual Gathering of Eagles and Holy Convocation, which will feature both internationally acclaimed speakers along with our very own in-house workshop sessions, planning and organizational meetings, and worship services purposed to prepare us for kingdom business and provide continuity amongst the fellowship. During the Holy Convocation we will commemorate with the elevation of men and women within the Body of Christ with a formal ceremony.


AOE Ministerial Alliance will consist of the Elders, Ministers and Deacons of the Alliance of Eagles Fellowship. This component will perfect the ministry of ministers through training, Christian ethics and many more learning opportunities.


Theological The Leadership Network will also focus on bringing sound doctrine and biblical truth back to the forefront of the Church-at-Large.


Christian Ethics By restoring dignity to the Five-fold Ministry, the AOE Leadership Network will restore the order of conduct and courtesies among clergy.


We at The Alliance of Eagles Fellowship welcome the opportunity to stand with you in faith regarding your spiritual education in the Lord. We recognize and fully understand your direction in life and ministry and your ultimate achievement involves a sound decision. We consider it an honor if God directs you towards choosing us to assist you in preparing for the future depositing into your knowledge and spiritual empowerment.



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School of Ministry/Christian Education

Music & Fine Arts

Issachar Institute School of the Apostles and Prophets


Pastoral Development

Ministry of Finance

Publicity and Communication

Home and Foreign Missions

Civic and Social Action

 Economic Development

 Church Planting

 Conference Planning Committee

 Men’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

 Young Adult and Youth Ministry

 Executive Services Ministry

 Drama Ministry


Alliance of Eagles Fellowship is a fellowship comprised of independent churches, ministries and kingdom businesses united to win the world for Christ and to prepare the way for His return.




199 Wallace Avenue 

Downingtown, PA 19335

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